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European Individual Chess Championship 2015

Last update 08.03.2015 22:03:03, Creator: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 63),Last Upload: Elazig TCF

Player overview for BLR

16GMZhigalko Sergei2675BLR01½1½½1½010693
62GMAleksandrov Aleksej2603BLR1½01½1½½½½½6,548
85GMZhigalko Andrey2572BLR1½0111½01½½738
99GMKovalev Vladislav2531BLR1½01½01½½½16,575

Results of the last round for BLR

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMZhigalko AndreyBLR2572 ½ - ½ GMKhairullin IldarRUS2629
GMAleksandrov AleksejBLR26036 ½ - ½6 GMRiazantsev AlexanderRUS2688
GMHovhannisyan RobertARM25926 1 - 06 GMZhigalko SergeiBLR2675
GMKovalev VladislavBLR2531 1 - 0 IMCodenotti MarcoITA2374

Player details for BLR

GM Zhigalko Sergei 2675 BLR Rp:2523 Pts. 6
1140Sarana Alexey2419RUS5,5s 0
2199IMChubar Vladimir2066UKR4w 1
3142IMUsmanov Vasily2414RUS5,5s ½
4115GMNeverov Valeriy2485UKR6,5w 1
593GMKogan Artur2555ISR5s ½
691GMMikhalevski Victor2559ISR5w ½
794GMOparin Grigoriy2551RUS6,5s 1
859GMZubov Alexander2607UKR6,5w ½
967GMIpatov Alexander2592TUR7,5s 0
10104GMSivuk Vitaly2517UKR5w 1
1166GMHovhannisyan Robert2592ARM7s 0
GM Aleksandrov Aleksej 2603 BLR Rp:2619 Pts. 6,5
1187Bar Aviv2130ISR4s 1
2120IMChekhov Sergei2470RUS6,5w ½
32GMVitiugov Nikita2735RUS7s 0
4137IMFerreira Jorge Viterbo2427POR5,5w 1
599GMKovalev Vladislav2531BLR6,5s ½
6118IMBatsiashvili Nino2475GEO6w 1
721GMKuzubov Yuriy2667UKR6,5s ½
89GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2692UKR7w ½
96GMVallejo Pons Francisco2706ESP6,5s ½
1088GMYilmaz Mustafa2570TUR6w ½
1110GMRiazantsev Alexander2688RUS6,5w ½
GM Zhigalko Andrey 2572 BLR Rp:2607 Pts. 7
1210Chazan Yonatan1961ISR3,5w 1
220GMSargissian Gabriel2668ARM7,5s ½
326GMRodshtein Maxim2660ISR7,5w 0
4147IMSlavin Alexey2391RUS6s 1
5194Kali Omer2089ISR5,5w 1
640GMHracek Zbynek2631CZE6s 1
737GMNajer Evgeniy2634RUS8,5w ½
830GMSmirin Ilia2650ISR7,5s 0
958GMSolak Dragan2607TUR6w 1
1038GMDubov Daniil2632RUS7s ½
1142GMKhairullin Ildar2629RUS7w ½
GM Kovalev Vladislav 2531 BLR Rp:2508 Pts. 6,5
1225Freiman Mark1873ISR3,5w 1
240GMHracek Zbynek2631CZE6s ½
338GMDubov Daniil2632RUS7w 0
4168FMBelytsky Alexandr2227RUS5,5s 1
562GMAleksandrov Aleksej2603BLR6,5w ½
619GMLaznicka Viktor2670CZE7,5w 0
7153Golubov Saveliy2362RUS5,5s 1
810GMRiazantsev Alexander2688RUS6,5s ½
9141Mikaelyan Arman2418ARM5,5w ½
10147IMSlavin Alexey2391RUS6s ½
11150IMCodenotti Marco2374ITA5,5w 1