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GM-Turnier Corus Wijk aan Zee Gruppe A

Last update 27.01.2004 22:42:17, Creator/Last Upload:

Starting rank list of players

11GMKramnik VladimirRUS2777
12GMAnand ViswanathanIND2766
7GMSvidler PeterRUS2747
8GMShirov AlexeiESP2736
1GMTopalov VeselinBUL2735
3GMLeko PeterHUN2722
14GMAdams MichaelENG2720
10GMBareev EvgenyRUS2714
2GMSokolov IvanNED2706
4GMAkopian VladimirARM2693
6GMBologan ViktorMDA2679
9GMZhong ZhangCHN2644
5GMVan Wely LoekNED2617
13GMTimman Jan HNED2578