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Copa Brasil da FBXDV 2014 - fase final CBX 2507 FIDE 105097

Last update 14.12.2014 13:42:06, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

Starting rank list of players

2MARQUES Andre Rezende2159074BRA1954
5LOPES Davi De Souza2133741BRA1853
7POLO Tiago Dias2120364BRA1793
1TELES Jeferson Lisboa2127709BRA1774
6COUTO Januario Pereira Do2107260BRA1682
4PONTES Jaderson Lucio2175894BRA1644
8RICIERI Vinicius De Andrade2176084BRA1611
3VILAS BOAS Crisolon Terto2119315BRA1580