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World Youth U-16 Chess Olympiad 2014

Last update 21.12.2014 14:46:15, Creator: Hungarian Chess-Federation (Master),Last Upload: IRMA UND WERNER STUBENVOLL

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Team-Composition without round-results

  8. Romania (ROU / RtgAvg:2320 / TB1: 13 / TB2: 23) Captain: Pavlov Mircea
1FMDeac Bogdan-Daniel2391ROU12263806,5102476
2Dolana Andrei-Theodor2279ROU12198045102312
3FMCostachi Mihnea2356ROU12175184,5102251
4Toma Radu-Cristian2255ROU12179927102313
5Cusmuliuc Diana-Elena2013ROU1219103000