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III Binacional de Navidad Sandona 2014

Last update 23.11.2014 16:29:47, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Barreiro Jurado Frank4406567NAR2104
2Aleman Frias Marcelo3602303ECU2027
3Garces Munoz Daniel4420322NAR1904
4Yandun Dario3607453ECU1763
5Fajardo Lopez Daniel4441567NAR1718
6Guayara Diaz William Alonso4453468NAR1658
7Casanova Hernandez Julio4434412NAR1648
8Yela Mayag Brayan Steven4445341NAR1624
9Benavides Christian Camilo4426479NAR1619
10Obando Flores Juan Manuel4453506NAR1605
11Calvachi Morillo Mario Andres4426568NAR1573
12Cabrera Mario4456483NAR0
13Cruz Anthony4456491NAR0
14Munoz Vallejo Jheferson4456505NAR0
15Sarria Cesar4456513NAR0