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Festival Nacional Ajedrez Escolar CLASICO U-15 Fem

Last update 23.11.2014 17:34:47, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Rosado Perez Maria Jose4408713BOL1807Mentes En Accion
2Gomez Guardo Laura Melissa4408578BOL1804Talentos
3Toro Castaneda Elizabeht4429559ANT1733
4Valencia Lopez Daily Vanessa4428846CAQ1629
5Medina Barrios Lina Maria4441303TOL1508
6Mejia Perez Julia Marcela4449860CUN1480
7Mosquera Medina Hayde Lisseth4422996CAQ1475
8Diaz Luisa Fernanda4421434TOL1333
9Gomez Vasquez Laura Sofia4437110ANT1730Club Ajedrez Los Titanes
10Rodriguez Patino Isabela4443241ANT1286Club Carlos Cuartas
11Ramirez Angie Yulieth4421469TOL1216
12Sarmiento Leidy4455860CUN0
13Uruena Pinilla Karen Dayana4456351TOL0