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Festival Nacional Escolar CLASICO U-9 Absoluto 2015

Last update 17.11.2014 17:52:00, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Cotes Ontibon Anibal Santiago4434633BOG1869
2Santiago Pinzon Juan Felipe4446909CUN1579
3Velasquez Joan Sebastian4440862CUN1444
4Gaona Ballesteros Andres4453298BOG1399
5Cedeno Chavarro Daniel4442261CAQ1388
6Gomez Leon Nicolas4449312BOG1320
7Guzman Salazar Manuel Santiag4454430TOL1287
8Ramirez Yosver Alexander4455924ANT1277
9Barrero Perico Christopher4455932BOG0
10Nunez Rojas David4455940BOL0