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Österreichische Damen Staatsmeisterschaft 1990

Last update 11.01.2004 17:43:18, Creator/Last Upload:

Final Ranking after 13 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2 
11Horvath MariaAUT1977Wien9,550,50
22Mira HeleneAUT2062Vorarlberg950,80
33Weiss UrsulaAUT1977Niederösterreich8,541,30
44Kirchmayr ElisabethAUT1751Oberösterreich7,540,30
55Dür MariaAUT1713Tirol7,536,50
66Fraunschiel UrsulaAUT1831Wien734,50
77Borek JuttaAUT1943Oberösterreich731,50
88Pammer ReginaAUT1739Wien626,80
99Berger GabrielaAUT1875Wien518,30
1010Graf JuttaAUT1798Steiermark424,80
1111Hackbarth ChristaAUT1748Salzburg417,80
1212Kammerlander RosmarieAUT1769Vorarlberg28,30
1313Steiner Gerhild Dr.AUT1764Kärnten130

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (with real points)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)