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National Championship Finals 2014

Last update 23.11.2014 20:58:12, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad & Tobago Chess Association

Starting rank list of players

9FMHarper Ryan7700156TTO2246
7CMJohnson Joshua7700768TTO2142
2CMSingh Vishnu7700946TTO2123
6CMWinter Atwell Adrian7700750TTO2099
1FMMerritt Mario7700148TTO2064
3CMCupid Kevin7700512TTO2041
10Jones David7700075TTO1930
4CMSears Frank7700121TTO1911
12Knight Colin7700695TTO1893
5Bowles Andrew7700237TTO1892
8Lee Hayden7700350TTO1892
11CMYearwood Sean7702426TTO1682