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Campeonato Insular Absoluto Ibiza 2014 (Event code: 94906)

Darrera actualització14.12.2014 08:35:42, Creador/Darrera càrrega: PITA RIBAS, Antonio

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Rànquing inicial

1Adell Corts Francisco22074942197
2Planells Roig Jose22545732086
3Mari Copa Adria222761222016
4Sanchez Martinez Pablo222994911963
5Bordes Ibanez Juan22316381949
6Schafer Guillermo22366721835
7Fernandez Lopez Marcos Ii22166201797
8Martinez Colomar Alejandro320314911747
9Ramirez Mari Antonio22366211705
10Vidal Torres Roberto222547811675
11Semper Ballester Javier222831531668
12Planells Cardona Francisco22366051638
13Prohens Costa Armando320280831625
14Guasch Riera Joan320457191603
15Prohens Escandell Oscar222994831561
16Parrell Ferrer Rafael320280752013
17Mari Guasch Javier245355591845
18Hernandez Gallardo Alvaro245017351504
19Cabrera Cabrera Nelson22364861402
20Hernandez Pena Juan Ignacio245017271310
21Soria Leites Ivan Ezequiel320660581280
22Guasch Juan Juan Antonio320944851254
23Cabello Ferrer Raquel245185491212
24Chaler Romero Javier245299660
25Gallardo Oliver Angeles245185650
26Romero Garcia Juan0
27Tur Bordes Jael245225970