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First League of Tambov region

Last update 27.10.2014 15:12:46, Creator/Last Upload: Trjufilkina Elena

Starting rank list of players

10WIMLomakina Galja4124715RUS2107
8Dikov Alexander I.34100994RUS1997
6Suvorov Alexander24135445RUS1976
9Yumashev Viktor V.34138860RUS1931
5Shvadchenko Grigory F.34142484RUS1914
7Abashkin Aleksandr P.34142468RUS1874
3Alpatsky Sergey34139190RUS1819
1Gorelov Viktor N.34185914RUS1751
2Gorshechnikov Andrey V.34142476RUS1727
4Pishchalnikov Roman A.44134991RUS0