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Jubileu de Prata - AD São Caetano do Sul - 25 10 2014

Last update 11.12.2014 01:54:37, Creator/Last Upload: jas70

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Starting rank list

1IMRaul ClaverieARG2509
2Joaquim de Deus FilhoBRA2262
3Leonardo MirandaBRA2234
4Tales DohaniBRA2150Cx Scs
5Jorge Fakhouri FilhoBRA2144
6Sergio Jovelino MouraBRA2098
7Irio VassariBRA2066Cx Scs
8Jose EduardoBRA1994Cx Scs
9RomarioBRA1993Cx Scs
10Evandro SilvestreBRA1988Cx Scs
11Derli FranceliBRA1976Cx Scs
12MasakatsuBRA1973Cx Scs
13Lee Hung ChihBRA1902
14Matheus RamosBRA1800Cx Scs
15Estevam SantosBRA1800Cx Scs
16Jose Francisco FernandesBRA1800
17Danilo CunhaBRA2162Cx Scs
18Diogo AngeliBRA2129Cx Scs
19Anderson NovaesBRA2077Cx Scs
20Douglas RodrigoBRA2029Cx Scs
21Rafael LioiBRA2022Cx Scs
22Julio Cesar AmabisBRA2021Cx Scs
23Kelson Kleber ResendeBRA2006Cx Scs
24Newton SouzaBRA1994Cx Scs
25Lucas S OliveiraBRA1992Cx Scs
26Jorge FernandesBRA1988Cx Scs
27Rubens AlbertoBRA1966Cx Scs
28Ricardo MarazBRA1955Cx Scs
29Cesar Rodrigues GarciaBRA0
30Daniel FortunatoBRA0
31Eduardo Ap FernandesBRA0