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LEM 2014 Liechtensteinische Landeseinzelmeisterschaft

Last update 19.10.2014 17:59:23, Creator/Last Upload: Liechtensteiner Schachverband

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Starting rank

1Neuberger GuidoSUI2122Buchs (sg)
2Mannhart MarcelSUI2120St. Gallen Sk
3Frick RenatoLIE2036Buchs (sg)
4Kock Hans-UweLIE1978Buchs (sg)
5Jelic DejanSUI1956Liechtenstein
6Smehil GeorgLIE1926Buchs (sg)
7Elkuch HaraldLIE1885Buchs (sg)
8Studer KurtLIE1703Buchs (sg)