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Vienna Chess Open 2015 Group A (A-Turnier)

Last update 26.08.2015 12:05:00, Creator: Wiener Schachverband (Eloreferat),Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

Player overview for UZB

137WIMGevorgyan Irina2206UZB11½½11½106,519Group A

Results of the last round for UZB

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
96137WIMGevorgyan Irina2206 0 - 1 GMArkell Keith248816

Player details for UZB

WIM Gevorgyan Irina 2206 UZB Rp:2530 Pts. 6,5
1369Leisch Lukas1948AUT3,5w 1
218IMDiermair Andreas2485AUT6,5s 1
347WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya2371KAZ6,5w ½
451FMKessler Luca2364AUT6,5s ½
567IMNeckar Lubomir Mgr.2319CZE6w 1
636IMSoors Stef2407BEL6s 1
724IMFeuerstack Aljoscha2458GER6w ½
826IMSalomon Johan2439NOR6,5s 1
916GMArkell Keith2488ENG7,5w 0