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Vienna Chess Open 2015 Group A (A-Turnier)

Last update 26.08.2015 12:05:00, Creator: Wiener Schachverband (Eloreferat),Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

Player overview for SLO

48FMKokol Peter2371SLO1011½101½672Group A
65IMBarle Janez Dr.2324SLO110110½116,534Group A

Results of the last round for SLO

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
93195FMHuber Martin Christian2276 ½ - ½ FMKokol Peter237148
935172Bugalski Michal2163 0 - 1 IMBarle Janez Dr.232465

Player details for SLO

FM Kokol Peter 2371 SLO Rp:2341 Pts. 6
1423Beshukova Alina1875RUS0- 1K
2170Heinl Thomas2164GER4,5s 0
3245White Alastair2074SCO4w 1
4177NMPalamar Cristian2153ROU3,5w 1
5110FMKniest Oliver2252GER5,5s ½
6124FMKirschner Alexander Dr.2228AUT4,5w 1
74GMShengelia David2572AUT6,5s 0
8114MKRanits Franz2245AUT4,5w 1
995FMHuber Martin Christian2276AUT6s ½
IM Barle Janez Dr. 2324 SLO Rp:2396 Pts. 6,5
1296Metz Richard2031AUT3s 1
2199Rorvik Jon Fredrik2128NOR5w 1
37GMHeberla Bartlomiej2548POL6s 0
4185Antic Dragan2140SRB4w 1
5133Paltrinieri Nicholas2213ITA6s 1
623FMMoroni Luca2461ITA7w 0
7155Pirker Christian2186AUT5s ½
8145Braun Joachim2199GER5,5w 1
9172Bugalski Michal2163POL5,5s 1