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Vienna Chess Open 2015 Group A (A-Turnier)

Last update 26.08.2015 12:05:00, Creator: Wiener Schachverband (Eloreferat),Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

Player overview for KAZ

47WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya2371KAZ11½1011½½6,523Group A
140WFMAssaubayeva Bibissara2205KAZ10½11½½½1664Group A

Results of the last round for KAZ

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
91447WGMAbdumalik Zhansaya23716 ½ - ½6 IMDiermair Andreas248518
948140WFMAssaubayeva Bibissara22055 + - -5 FMWukits Rene232166

Player details for KAZ

WGM Abdumalik Zhansaya 2371 KAZ Rp:2372 Pts. 6,5
1279Schwarz Andreas2050GER5s 1
2177NMPalamar Cristian2153ROU3,5w 1
3137WIMGevorgyan Irina2206UZB6,5s ½
4149Leitner Gerald DI2193AUT4,5w 1
52GMBuhmann Rainer2613GER7w 0
6132Dappiano Andrea2213ITA5,5s 1
7188Branding Volker2136GER5,5w 1
824IMFeuerstack Aljoscha2458GER6s ½
918IMDiermair Andreas2485AUT6,5w ½
WFM Assaubayeva Bibissara 2205 KAZ Rp:2290 Pts. 6
1372Wagner Leopold Franziskus1945GER3s 1
221IMRombaldoni Denis2467ITA6,5w 0
3302Ruston Mark R2024ENG5,5s ½
4273Dombrowsky Michael2055GER2,5w 1
5304Chan James2019CAN5s 1
656IMBalla Tamas-Kristof2347ROU6,5w ½
754FMSadilek Peter2357AUT5,5w ½
859IMBartell Thomas2345USA5s ½
966FMWukits Rene2321AUT5- 1K