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Last update 14.10.2014 17:40:40, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1GMCordova EmilioPER2624
2IMGomez Garrido Camilo ErnestoCUB2527
3IMHevia Alejano Carlos AntonioCUB2493
4GMAlvarez Pedraza AramisCUB2476
5GMBarrientos Sergio ECOL2474
6IMFernandez Cardoso AlexeyCUB2435
7GMPozo Vera SandroCUB2430
8IMArenas DavidCOL2429
9IMRuiz Sanchez OrlenCUB2429
10IMMartinez Romero MartinCOL2408
11IMSanchez Sebastian FelipeCOL2397
12IMPrasca Sosa Rafael FelipeVEN2377
13IMCastro Oscar H.COL2359
14IMSanz Alonso Francisco J.ESP2351
15FMTorres Juan CamiloCOL2337
16FMFernandez Guillen Ernesto J.CUB2335
17WIMRodriguez Rueda Paula AndreaCOL2335
18IMMarichal Gonzalez ArielVEN2330
19IMRivera AlbertoFID2324
20IMSariego Figueredo WilfredoCUB2324
21IMBarros Rivadeneira CristhianECU2302
22WGMArribas Robaina MaritzaCUB2295
23WGMMarrero Lopez YanietCUB2291
24FMVittorino Carlo GiovanniCOL2291
25FMHernandez Sanchez Jairo AndreCOL2285
26Mateus AlejandroCOL2274
27WGMPina Vega SulennisCUB2270
28FMRuiz Aguilar Pablo AlexanderCOL2264
29WIMMiranda Llanes YerisbelCUB2258
30Garavito Miguel AngelCOL2257
31Munoz Jhon EdisonCOL2257
32IMPazos Gambarrotti PlinioECU2254
33WIMHernandez Moya YuleisyCUB2248
34Perez Olarte Cesar CamiloCOL2231
35FMSaladen Dulce RafaelCOL2230
36WIMFranco Valencia Beatriz IreneCOL2229
37CMValle EfrainCOL2229
38Trujillo OtonielCOL2218
39WIMChirivi C Jenny AstridCOL2212
40WIMLlaudy Pupo LisandraCUB2205
41Pena Duarte Fabian DarioCOL2203
42WIMRivera IngrisCOL2192
43WIMCastrillon Gomez MelissaCOL2191
44WIMFranco Valencia AngelaCOL2186
45Almanza Rafael AndresCOL2182
46Jimenez Jose MauricioCOL2181
47Martinez Jorge AlexanderCOL2166
48WIMMateus MarthaCOL2157
49FMBecerra Juan DavidCOL2155
50Jaramillo GonzaloCOL2151
51WIMFleites Marti YuleikysCUB2150
52Gutierrez RamonCOL2143
53Otalora Carlos EduardoCOL2126
54WIMOrozco Lina YomayraCOL2123
55Apontecastillo ErnestoCOL2117
56Prieto ErnestoCOL2089
57Nieto Manuel Valerio WaldoCOL2082
58Suarez Luis HumbertoCOL2081
59Acevedo JohanCOL2068
60Ceron Juan CarlosCOL2067
61Bolivar JeisonCOL2066
62Dominguez Rincon MillerCOL2066
63FMRemicio Duque John H.COL2064
64Ramirez Jaime OrlandoCOL2064
65Arango SantiagoCOL2056
66Univio Sanchez GermanCOL2054
67Chirivi C Angie LizethCOL2046
68Tirado Juan CamiloCOL2043
69Cardona FabioCOL2041
70Abril MauricioCOL2033
71Camargo SantiagoCOL2033
72 Rodriguez German EnriqueCOL2028
73Bobadilla JorgeVEN2023
74Corredor Rengifo Luis FernandCOL2022
75Manrique FernandoCOL2018
76Acuna Buitrago Camilo AndresCOL2017
77WIMCastro Natalia PatriciaCOL2013
78Motta Leon GerardoCOL2010
79Ramirez Francisco JavierCOL2010
80Esquivia Cuadrado FranklinCOL2000
81Borbon OscarCOL1998
82Pereira Henry AlbertoCOL1995
83Chavarro JeffryCOL1992
84Barrios FelipeCOL1991
85Nieto Guillermo Luigui UbaldoCOL1977
86Suaza YesidCOL1976
87Estrella Becerra FernandoCOL1974
88Garces JavierCOL1960
89Torres Rojas Yuber AndresCOL1954
90Martinez Baquero Hugo EstebanCOL1950
91Gonzalez Lopez Nicolas MateoCOL1948
92WFMDominguez Laura LuciaCOL1937
93Mora Luis JoseCOL1936
94De La Ossa Carlos EnriqueCOL1928
95Ribero Guillermo AndresCOL1926
96Molina Mojica Angel ValentinCOL1918
97Leal Cortes Diego FernandoCOL1915
98Ordonez Gonzalez GabrielCOL1900
99Uribe Valencia Victor AlexisCOL1894
100Duran Barraza Mateo AndresCOL1891
101Parra Diego AlexanderCOL1889
102Corredor Castellanos CamiloCOL1887
103Aldana OmarCOL1886
104Piraquive AlbertoCOL1884
105Fuentes CarlosCOL1875
106Munoz Laura AlexandraCOL1874
107Castaneda VictorCOL1862
108Buitrago BernardoCOL1860
109Obando Guzman Soren FedericoCOL1848
110Corpus EugenioCOL1841
111Guerrero HernandoCOL1839
112Leon GustavoCOL1834
113Acosta Cruz Luis IvanCOL1833
114Pelaez HernanCOL1832
115Contreras R Wilson MauricioCOL1826
116Ruiz Cruz Cesar AugustoCOL1812
117Acosta Nunez MiguelCOL1797
118Patino Daniel SantiagoCOL1796
119Vasquez RafaelCOL1795
120Rubio Melo Hugo ArturoCOL1794
121Dabraccio GuillermoCOL1768
122Sarmiento Tobon LuisCOL1733
123Penas Burgos NestorCOL1771
124Cuellar Jose GabrielCOL1726
125Gamboa Giraldo Juan EstebanCOL1698
126Fuentes Medrano JorgeCOL1697
127Vargas Diana PaolaCOL1690
128Rosero Hugo AlbertoCOL1684
129Oviedo Mora Jaime OrlandoCOL1663
130Piedrahita DaniloCOL1653
131Aldana Boris EugenioCOL1630
132Rozo Claudia MagallyCOL1623
133Gaitan Bautista OscarCOL1597
134Bautista Chiquillo LeidyCOL1589
135Solano Osorio Luis AlbertoCOL1494
136Fernandez Alonso Manuel AlberESP1343
137Diaz Luisa FernandaCOL1320
138Aguirre Aura GiselaCOL0
139Barros MonicaCOL0
140Bellido Ray YairCOL0
141Beltran Enrique HumbertoCOL0
142Caceres Luis JavierCOL0
143Cepeda AbrilCOL0
144Garcia Mauricio FernandoCOL0
145Gomez Ahumada Diego AlejandroCOL0
146Leon Michael StevenCOL0
147Lopez Karol BibianaCOL0
148Medina Barrios Lina MariaCOL0
149Munoz AlejandroCOL0
150Pardo Efrain CamiloCOL0
151 Venegas JaimeCOL0
152Rojas Jesus AntonioCOL0
153Sanabria Chavez Wilson JavierCOL0
154Torres Hector CamiloCOL0
155Villalba FernandoCOL0