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Cupa Prieteniei

Last update 26.09.2014 11:46:24, Creator/Last Upload: dombi rudolf

Starting rank list of players

10IMBogdan DanROU2393Cs Sinandrei Timis
1NMBonte Andrei-MihaiROU2260Cs Sah Club Galati
7IMFlorescu Codrut-ConstantinROU2191Clubul De Sah Deva
8FMSuciu Dinu-SimiROU2187Acs "petra-Sah" Satu Mare
9CMBonte ArghirROU2036Clubul De Sah Al Municipiului
5IOrban Vasile-GheorgheROU2036Cs Apollo Satu Mare
4IAmbru Dan-CalinROU2032Acs Napocensis Activ Cluj Napo
6ISogor Andras-CsabaROU1992Cs Vointa Satu Mare
2CMBucur StefanROU1986Clubul De Sah Deva
3ISandu IonelROU1951Cs Universitatea Arad