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Kuldigas 50th Cup & D.Reiznieces-Ozolas 9th cup

Last update 05.10.2014 16:13:53, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMorozli Grigorijs1822LAT 31w1 29b1 5w½ 9b1 8w1 2b½ 6w16223024,5
2MKMarkauss Daniels1848LAT 28b1 27w1 18b1 4w½ 3b1 1w½ 5b½5,5223124,5
3MKSemjonovs Ilja1857LAT 38w1 9b½ 21w1 5b1 2w0 11b1 12w15,5212822
4MKMarutkins Olegs2124LAT 10w1 12b1 8w1 2b½ 11w1 6b0 7w½523,53323,5
5IBatashevs Arsens1907LAT 25b1 6w1 1b½ 3w0 20b1 17w1 2w½5233221
6MKSemjonovs Vsevolods1709LAT 15w1 5b0 33w1 31b1 12w1 4w1 1b0520,52921
7MKBeks Edmunds1898LAT 19b1 23w½ 11b0 25w1 9b1 13w1 4b½519,527,519,5
8IBekasovs Rihards1773LAT 36b1 22w1 4b0 18w1 1b0 25w1 17b1518,526,520
9IKolasa Pjotrs1580LAT 30b1 3w½ 23b1 1w0 7w0 32b1 19w14,52028,518
10ILindermans Pavels1546LAT 4b0 37w1 35b½ 23w1 17w0 21b1 18b14,515,52215,5
11ILuscenkovs Artjoms1649LAT 24b½ 20w1 7w1 26b1 4b0 3w0 13b½42129,519
12IZiedins Roberts1696LAT 14b1 4w0 28b1 22w1 6b0 26w1 3b0420,52918
13IMikelsons Mikelis-Emils1797LAT 18w0 38b1 20b½ 27w1 21w1 7b0 11w½417,52416
14IVaivads Valts1867LAT 12w0 33b0 34w1 19b0 29b1 28w1 27b1414,520,511
15IVevers Elans Andrejs1876LAT 6b0 25w0 30b½ 39w1 35b1 20w½ 26b1413,519,511,5
16IKrjukovs Dmitrijs1808LAT 22b0 36w0 -1 33b1 26w0 39b1 25w1412,51712
17IZarinsh Ricards1644LAT 24w1 10b1 5b0 8w03,52028,516
18IZarovs Aleksandrs1607LAT 13b1 26w1 2w0 8b0 31w1 19b½ 10w03,5202817
19IAvotins Arturs1398LAT 7w0 39b1 26b0 14w1 22b1 18w½ 9b03,518,524,514
20IMucenieks Rainers1587LAT 35w1 11b0 13w½ 32b1 5w0 15b½ 24w½3,51824,515
21IIBrikmane Evija1629LAT 37b½ 24w1 3b0 35w1 13b0 10w0 31b13,5162314,5
22IAleksejevs Ilja1616LAT 16w1 8b0 36w1 12b0 19w0 31b½ 32w13,5162314
23IJevstefejevs Andrejs1684LAT 39w1 7b½ 9w0 10b0 32w0 38b1 33w13,515,521,513
24ISvete Kristaps1826LAT 11w½ 21b0 37w1 17b0 38w1 33b½ 20b½3,514,52013
25ISipicins Alekss1537LAT 5w0 15b1 29w1 7b0 36w1 8b0 16b03202714
26IMegnis Renars1903LAT 33w1 18b0 19w1 11w0 16b1 12b0 15w0318,52515
27IKuznecovs Nikita1635LAT 34w1 2b0 31w0 13b0 37w1 36b1 14w0314,521,512
28ILepjohina Valerija1279LAT 2w0 34b1 12w0 36b0 30w1 14b0 35b1314,521,510
29IIVascilko Vladlens1750LAT -1 1w0 25b0 38b0 14w0 37b1 39w13132010
30IIGulnevs Daniils1750LAT 9w0 31b0 15w½ 37b½ 28b0 -1 36w1313197,5
31IBude Toms1135LAT 1b0 30w1 27b1 6w0 18b0 22w½ 21w02,518,52712
32IGogins Deniss1850LAT 20w0 23b1 9w0 22b02,517,525,512
33IDusinskis Kirils1513LAT 26b0 14w1 6b0 16w0 34b1 24w½ 23b02,517,524,510
34IZile Girts1826LAT 27b0 28w0 14b0 -1 33w0 35w½ 38b12,511,5176
35IIBatirevs Maksims1750LAT 20b0 -1 10w½ 21b0 15w0 34b½ 28w0216,5239,5
36IKrumina Marija1877LAT 8w0 16b1 22b0 28w1 25b0 27w0 30b021623,510
37IPodnieks Emils1819LAT 21w½ 10b0 24b0 30w½ 27b0 29w0 -121520,56,5
38IISharakovs Ilja1304LAT 3b0 13w0 39b½ 29w1 24b0 23w0 34w01,515,5226,5
39IMusijenko Ilja1847LAT 23b0 19w0 38w½ 15b0 -1 16w0 29b01,514,5205,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break