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Reykjavik Open 2015

Last update 18.10.2015 21:32:24, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

Player overview for BRA

13GMFier Alexandr26010BRA1111½101½½7,5427151016,40
201Machado Eduardo Ribeiro18181846BRA½½½010110½513320452036,60

Results of the last round for BRA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMHammer Jon Ludvig26517 ½ - ½7 GMFier Alexandr2601
Lux Gregory2065 ½ - ½ Machado Eduardo Ribeiro1818

Player details for BRA

GM Fier Alexandr 2601 BRA Rp:2715 Pts. 7,5
1149Thiry Jean-Christophe20312023BEL5,5w 10,890,11101,10
284WGMMaisuradze Nino23020FRA5,5s 10,850,15101,50
349IMEsserman Marc24262534USA5,5w 10,730,27102,70
461FMHauge Lars Oskar23800NOR6s 10,780,22102,20
523GMGao Rui25330CHN7w ½0,59-0,0910-0,90
610GMGupta Abhijeet26250IND7,5s 10,470,53105,30
73GMEljanov Pavel27270UKR8w 00,33-0,3310-3,30
82GMNavara David27360CZE6,5s 10,320,68106,80
98GMJones Gawain C B26420ENG7w ½0,440,06100,60
106GMHammer Jon Ludvig26510NOR7,5s ½0,430,07100,70
Machado Eduardo Ribeiro 1818 BRA Rp:2045 Pts. 5
1-not paired-- --- ½
2-not paired-- --- ½
3134Hald Jens Erik Kofoed20692000DEN4w ½0,190,31206,20
498Olafsson Thorvardur22300ISL5,5s 00,11-0,1120-2,20
5264Thorsson Pall01634ISL4w 1
6128Risting Eivind Olav21002031NOR5,5s 00,16-0,1620-3,20
7160Stam Bart19721860NED5w 10,290,712014,20
8132Van Den Bersselaar Jeroen20830NED5s 10,180,822016,40
993IMPoley Vladimir22690BLR6,5w 00,11-0,1120-2,20
10137Lux Gregory20650FRA5s ½0,190,31206,20