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Campeonato Amazonense Absoluto 2014

Last update 07.09.2014 23:55:09, Creator/Last Upload: Federação Amazonense de Xadrez

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Starting rank list

1FMReis Renan do CarmoBRA2264
2NMRodrigues Giorgy Fredman B.BRA2155
3NMSouza Neves Andrey M.BRA2134
4Mousse Neto Sebastiao AlbertoBRA2098
5CMDe Oliveira Victor Gabriel C.BRA2032
6CMDa Paz Leonardo GadelhaBRA2026
7Bezerra Fabiano de OliveiraBRA1927
8Bernardino Hugo BarrosBRA1914
9Pessoa Hudson AnselmoBRA1881
10CMGutierrez Enrique Alberto SotoBRA1857
11Farias Igor Borge CardosoBRA1721
12Presa Luis Alberto PassosBRA1719
13Farias Sergio Luiz CardosoBRA1581
14Silveira Lorensen Willer SoarBRA1579
15Nunes Lucas SantosBRA1764
16Silva Leandro da NobregaBRA1757
17Silva Miguel ZadorosnyBRA1742
18Silva Gustavo da NobregaBRA1606