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Festival d'Escacs del Moianes 2014 I Tancat (Elo FCE mitjà=2189, norma MC=6,5/9)

Last update 15.11.2014 03:36:57, Creator/Last Upload: Escola d'Escacs d'Osona

Starting rank list of players

7MKHerreros Fernandez Miguel220978022052313Catalonia
9MKColl Enriquez Lluis225718121932282Catalonia
8MKFabre Massana Miquel222622721142244Taradell-Centelles
6Junyent Llobet Joaquim222914520832183Balsareny-Sallent
2Serrat Rifa Ernest229141020782209Olot
1MKPrats Rodriguez Juan Bosco222141120692209Sant Boi
5Ribera Sellares Pere2450070420282162Catalonia
4Simon Del Sol Jaume227403519492142Moia Moianes
3Urena Casacuberta Lluis2224402619212058Vic
10Saurina Suner Francesc Xavier229922418442091Gerunda