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Darrera actualització20.07.2014 22:43:10, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FERNANDO SA DE MELO

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Rànquing inicial

1FMCavalcanti Francisco De AssisBRA222922292189
2Araujo Sergio MuriloBRA209920992038
3Souza Marcos Valerio A.BRA207020702070
4Lemos DoriedsonBRA202420242050
5De Oliveira Jefferson PereiraBRA198219821923
6Haskin Zachary JUSA196319630
7Da Silva Tomaz Luiz AntonioBRA193019301914
8Jales Luiz Fabio AlvesBRA188818881830
9Silva Ivanilson PereiraBRA186018601838
10Da Silva Antonio DutraBRA176217621807
11Ferreira AlexanderBRA169516951744
12Gomes Genildo De SouzaBRA167716771724
13De Almeida Valdemiza GurgelBRA138313831546
14Barros Ubirajara BarbosaBRA160001600
15De Moura Filho Eny NobregaBRA158401584