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89° Campeonato Argentino de Ajedrez 2014

Last update 19.07.2014 17:55:11, Creator/Last Upload: AI Leandro

Starting rank list of players

10GMMareco SandroARG2592
7GMFelgaer RubenARG2549
9GMPerez Ponsa FedericoARG2521
14GMAlonso SalvadorARG2508
3IMObregon Andres CarlosARG2502
11Lorenzini MartinARG2488
5IMLiascovich LucasARG2478
2IMIermito SebastianARG2475
6GMSlipak SergioARG2452
4IMReal De Azua ErnestoARG2443
8IMPichot AlanARG2424
12IMVillanueva MarioARG2413
13IMMahia GustavoARG2366
1Manzone AlessandroARG2317