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2014 Rajnesh Parmeshwar Open

Last update 06.07.2014 01:42:51, Creator/Last Upload: Fiji Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1CMPrasad CalvinFIJ2056
2CMKumar ManojFIJ1965
3CMArvind GoruFIJ1707
4Fareed MenashFIJ1577
5WCMSukhu GloriaFIJ1488
6Borg ZenFIJ0
7Koroi AustonFIJ0
8Koroi ClaudyaFIJ0
9Koroi LewisFIJ0
10Koroi TelikoFIJ0
11Lee ByeongkuFIJ0
12Masilomani JacquelynFIJ0
13Masilomani JulianneFIJ0
14Nair KrishneelFIJ0
15Prasad MahirFIJ0
16Prasad MayurFIJ0
17Prasad RavikeshFIJ0
18Prasad RudrFIJ0
19Senewiratne VinoodaFIJ0
20Sisarocivi SeruFIJ0
21Taloga RussellFIJ0
22Yee WilliamFIJ0
23Yoon Seok JunFIJ0
24Zhang JamesFIJ0
25Zhang StanleyFIJ0
26Fareed MeshanFIJ0
27Singh RishayFIJ0