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Österreichische Damenbundesliga 2014/2015

Posledná aktualizácia 21.03.2015 16:54:06, Creator/Last Upload: Manfred Mussnig

Search for team Hladaj

Konečné poradie po 9 kolách

Por.č. DružstvoPartie +  =  -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
14SK Dornbirn96211412,58767,5068,5
21ASVÖ Wulkaprodersdorf9522121384,566,5055,5
33ASVÖ Pamhagen95221210,58969,0056,3
42SV Schachamazonen95221210,58969,0055
510Schach ohne Grenzen934210108565,0040,5
66SpG Feldbach-Kirchberg942310108265,5036,3
712SC Pinggau Friedberg93421098265,5037,3
811SV Extraherb WS9405897149,0016,5
98SpG Steyr 2924388,58666,5035,8
105Mayrhofen/SK Zell/Zillertal93248884,565,0037,5
119SV Autohof St. Veit/Glan923478,57562,0027
127Spg Steyr 1923477,573,553,0016
1313SK Advisory Invest Baden923476,578,563,0024,3
1414JSV Mühlviertel701612,56744,004,3

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Buchholz-Tie-Breaks (without two results=middle Tie-Breaks)
Tie Break5: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (with real points)