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Ilmar Raud Memorial 2014

Last update 06.07.2014 14:12:02, Creator/Last Upload: Eesti Maleliit

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Starting rank

1GMKulaots KaidoEST2572
2GMAleksandrov AleksejBLR2554
3GMKovalev VladislavBLR2554
4GMEhlvest JaanUSA2552
5GMKanep MeelisEST2522
6GMMaiorov NikitaBLR2520
7GMVolodin AleksandrEST2490
8IMKantans TomsLAT2467
9IMSmirnov ArtemRUS2463
10FMMeskovs NikitaLAT2451
11GMShvyrjov IgorEST2450
12IMSepp OlavEST2433
13IMBerzinsh RolandLAT2395
14IMSeeman TarvoEST2389
15FMLadva OttomarEST2382
16FMShishkov AndreiEST2365
17FMVovk IljaEST2324
18Soskov VjatsheslavEST2288
19FMKrupenski JuriEST2278
20Jezov RomanEST2251
21Dubrovin RobertEST2227
22WIMFomina TatyanaEST2206
23Vorobjov PavelEST2206
24Puzko DanilaRUS2110
25Sirosh IljaEST2095
26Soot MargusEST2091
27Porrasmaa TimoFIN2067
28WCMNarva MaiEST2058
29Tominga EkeEST2050
30WFMNarva ReginaEST2031
31Teemae LeoEST2011
32Petrov DmitriEST2009
33Haavamae HenrikEST2007
34Dragun ValentinEST2004
35Chukavin KirillEST1931
36Tominga AgoEST1904
37Lumiste ReneEST1817
38Orlov RomanEST1806
39Ivanov Platon-JaanEST1800
40Sirp Karl AleksanderEST1785
41Viikmaa KarmenEST1717
42Garanin AlekseiEST1639
43Tokar TanielEST1542
44Iher MirjamEST1398
45Peebo KalleEST2241
46Ruus ReinEST2086
47Raudsepp TeetEST1954
48Luht VelloEST1886
49Poom MatiEST1834
50Ots HeikkiEST1832
51Staub MadisEST1751
52Urgas JaanEST1734
53Tobre AndresEST1728
54Linroos MonikaEST1727
55Komlev HeinoEST1680
56Polendik TiinaEST1658
57Povvat AaloEST1497
58Merendi ElisabethEST1472
59Norlamo SarabellaFIN1371
60Kilpio VesaFIN0
61Tammisaar ArvoEST0