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FIDE World Blitz Championship 2014 DUBAI - UAE 19-20 June 2014

Last update 20.06.2014 17:36:33, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Player overview for USA

1GMNakamura Hikaru2879USA111½1011½½1½1½½011111163
91GMEhlvest Jaan2512USA0000000000000000000000116
108FMBreckenridge Steven James2279USA1001½01100000101011019,584

Results of the last round for USA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMNakamura Hikaru287915 1 - 012½ GMDreev Aleksey2701
FMBreckenridge Steven James2279 1 - 0 GMSriram Jha2366
GMEhlvest Jaan25120 0 not paired  

Player details for USA

GM Nakamura Hikaru 2879 USA Rp:2928 Pts. 16
158GMGoloshchapov Alexander2631UKR9,5w 1
240GMWang Hao2668CHN11s 1
333GMSavchenko Boris2684RUS11w 1
421GMWojtaszek Radoslaw2726POL12,5s ½
539GMLu Shanglei2668CHN11,5w 1
68GMLe Quang Liem2817VIE14s 0
736GMPolgar Judit2673HUN12w 1
89GMNepomniachtchi Ian2816RUS16s 1
943GMMeier Georg2663GER12w ½
104GMCarlsen Magnus2837NOR17s ½
1122GMTomashevsky Evgeny2725RUS12,5w 1
1232GMSargissian Gabriel2689ARM13w ½
1328GMRiazantsev Alexander2703RUS11,5s 1
147GMMamedyarov Shakhriyar2822AZE13,5s ½
1537GMHarikrishna P.2669IND12,5w ½
1686GMYudin Sergei2559RUS12,5s 0
173GMAronian Levon2863ARM13,5w 1
186GMAnand Viswanathan2827IND13,5w 1
1917GMMorozevich Alexander2741RUS13s 1
2013GMKorobov Anton2758UKR12,5s 1
2129GMDreev Aleksey2701RUS12,5w 1
GM Ehlvest Jaan 2512 USA Pts. 0
133GMSavchenko Boris2684RUS11- 0K
228GMRiazantsev Alexander2703RUS11,5- 0K
3-not paired- --- 0
4-not paired- --- 0
5-not paired- --- 0
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0
10-not paired- --- 0
11-not paired- --- 0
12-not paired- --- 0
13-not paired- --- 0
14-not paired- --- 0
15-not paired- --- 0
16-not paired- --- 0
17-not paired- --- 0
18-not paired- --- 0
19-not paired- --- 0
20-not paired- --- 0
21-not paired- --- 0
FM Breckenridge Steven James 2279 USA Rp:2502 Pts. 9,5
150GMVan Wely Loek2647NED11,5w 1
238GMZhigalko Sergei2669BLR11,5s 0
356GMBologan Viktor2635MDA11w 0
485GMAl-Modiahki Mohamad2559QAT11s 1
548GMNielsen Peter Heine2654DEN10w ½
644GMSafarli Eltaj2661AZE11,5s 0
766GMMilov Vadim2622SUI8,5w 1
842GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2663GEO9,5s 1
931GMCaruana Fabiano2697ITA11,5s 0
1061GMFedoseev Vladimir2628RUS12w 0
1169GMMoiseenko Alexander2614UKR10,5s 0
1271GMAdly Ahmed2610EGY10w 0
1392GMKayumov Sergey2511UZB9w 0
14113Hj Azahari Md Aliuddin2147BRU6,5s 1
1597GMShyam Sundar M.2412IND10w 0
16100IMTissir Mohamed2385MAR7,5s 1
17102IMNezad Husein Aziz2361QAT9w 0
18111FMSaeed Ishaq2242UAE6s 1
1975GMMichalik Peter2587SVK8w 1
2064GMVallejo Pons Francisco2628ESP9,5s 0
21101GMSriram Jha2366IND8,5w 1