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FIDE World Blitz Championship 2014 DUBAI - UAE 19-20 June 2014

Last update 20.06.2014 17:36:33, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Player overview for SVK

75GMMichalik Peter2587SVK0101½111½0000000010018103

Results of the last round for SVK

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMMichalik Peter25877 1 bye  

Player details for SVK

GM Michalik Peter 2587 SVK Rp:2415 Pts. 8
117GMMorozevich Alexander2741RUS13s 0
2112CMSuhail Abdurahim2201UAE7,5w 1
331GMCaruana Fabiano2697ITA11,5s 0
4104FMOthman A. Moussa2317UAE8,5w 1
549GMLaznicka Viktor2650CZE11s ½
641GMAmin Bassem2667EGY10w 1
719GMTkachiev Vladislav2730FRA9,5s 1
837GMHarikrishna P.2669IND12,5w 1
927GMFressinet Laurent2705FRA11,5s ½
1029GMDreev Aleksey2701RUS12,5w 0
1121GMWojtaszek Radoslaw2726POL12,5s 0
1250GMVan Wely Loek2647NED11,5w 0
1334GMEljanov Pavel2674UKR12,5s 0
1448GMNielsen Peter Heine2654DEN10w 0
1551GMNaiditsch Arkadij2643GER11s 0
16109CMFaisal Abdulla2279UAE8w 0
17116Al-Hajiri Bader2076KUW7s 0
18113Hj Azahari Md Aliuddin2147BRU6,5w 1
19108FMBreckenridge Steven James2279USA9,5s 0
20105FMByambaa Zulzaga2302MGL5w 0
21-bye- --- 1