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FIDE World Blitz Championship 2014 DUBAI - UAE 19-20 June 2014

Last update 20.06.2014 17:36:33, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Player overview for NOR

4GMCarlsen Magnus2837NOR11111½101½11½1½½1½111171

Results of the last round for NOR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMCarlsen Magnus283716 1 - 012½ GMKorobov Anton2758

Player details for NOR

GM Carlsen Magnus 2837 NOR Rp:2981 Pts. 17
161GMFedoseev Vladimir2628RUS12s 1
245GMGuseinov Gadir2657AZE10,5w 1
327GMFressinet Laurent2705FRA11,5s 1
423GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2722VEN12,5w 1
537GMHarikrishna P.2669IND12,5w 1
69GMNepomniachtchi Ian2816RUS16s ½
78GMLe Quang Liem2817VIE14w 1
839GMLu Shanglei2668CHN11,5s 0
976GMRagger Markus2587AUT10,5s 1
101GMNakamura Hikaru2879USA16w ½
117GMMamedyarov Shakhriyar2822AZE13,5w 1
1243GMMeier Georg2663GER12s 1
136GMAnand Viswanathan2827IND13,5w ½
1436GMPolgar Judit2673HUN12w 1
1510GMGrischuk Alexander2801RUS12,5s ½
163GMAronian Levon2863ARM13,5s ½
1729GMDreev Aleksey2701RUS12,5w 1
1817GMMorozevich Alexander2741RUS13w ½
1912GMMamedov Rauf2766AZE13,5s 1
2086GMYudin Sergei2559RUS12,5s 1
2113GMKorobov Anton2758UKR12,5w 1