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FIDE World Blitz Championship 2014 DUBAI - UAE 19-20 June 2014

Last update 20.06.2014 17:36:33, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Player overview for ITA

31GMCaruana Fabiano2697ITA101011½01110101100½0½11,536

Results of the last round for ITA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMCaruana Fabiano269711 ½ - ½11 GMSafarli Eltaj2661

Player details for ITA

GM Caruana Fabiano 2697 ITA Rp:2695 Pts. 11,5
189GMSalem A.R. Saleh2539UAE12w 1
276GMRagger Markus2587AUT10,5s 0
375GMMichalik Peter2587SVK8w 1
454GMVolokitin Andrei2638UKR9s 0
579GMFier Alexandr2581BRA9w 1
684GMBartel Mateusz2562POL9s 1
76GMAnand Viswanathan2827IND13,5w ½
868GMGundavaa Bayarsaikhan2616MGL9,5s 0
9108FMBreckenridge Steven James2279USA9,5w 1
1010GMGrischuk Alexander2801RUS12,5s 1
1116GMBacrot Etienne2744FRA12,5w 1
1236GMPolgar Judit2673HUN12s 0
1318GMMovsesian Sergei2730ARM10w 1
1437GMHarikrishna P.2669IND12,5s 0
1523GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2722VEN12,5w 1
168GMLe Quang Liem2817VIE14w 1
1717GMMorozevich Alexander2741RUS13s 0
1855GMCheparinov Ivan2636BUL12s 0
1914GMSvidler Peter2757RUS13w ½
2034GMEljanov Pavel2674UKR12,5s 0
2144GMSafarli Eltaj2661AZE11,5w ½