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FIDE World Blitz Championship 2014 DUBAI - UAE 19-20 June 2014

Last update 20.06.2014 17:36:33, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Player overview for EGY

41GMAmin Bassem2667EGY01½100110111½011000001066
71GMAdly Ahmed2610EGY010110001½011½00011011070

Results of the last round for EGY

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMAmin Bassem266710 0 - 110 GMAl-Modiahki Mohamad2559
GMAdly Ahmed26109 1 - 09 GMFier Alexandr2581

Player details for EGY

GM Amin Bassem 2667 EGY Rp:2638 Pts. 10
199GMDebashis Das2385IND9w 0
295IMVakhidov Jahongir2477UZB9s 1
381GMHansen Eric2576CAN10w ½
473GMSandipan Chanda2607IND10s 1
512GMMamedov Rauf2766AZE13,5w 0
675GMMichalik Peter2587SVK8s 0
770GMDurarbayli Vasif2613AZE10w 1
897GMShyam Sundar M.2412IND10s 1
96GMAnand Viswanathan2827IND13,5w 0
1067GMMatlakov Maxim2618RUS12s 1
1177GMSokolov Ivan2583NED10,5w 1
122GMKarjakin Sergey2866RUS10,5s 1
1316GMBacrot Etienne2744FRA12,5w ½
1421GMWojtaszek Radoslaw2726POL12,5s 0
1515GMNguyen Ngoc Truong Son2746VIE12,5s 1
1614GMSvidler Peter2757RUS13w 1
1737GMHarikrishna P.2669IND12,5s 0
1826GMRadjabov Teimour2706AZE12,5w 0
195GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime2835FRA12s 0
2061GMFedoseev Vladimir2628RUS12s 0
2185GMAl-Modiahki Mohamad2559QAT11w 0
GM Adly Ahmed 2610 EGY Rp:2581 Pts. 10
114GMSvidler Peter2757RUS13w 0
2109CMFaisal Abdulla2279UAE8s 1
320GMDubov Daniil2729RUS12w 0
4101GMSriram Jha2366IND8,5s 1
538GMZhigalko Sergei2669BLR11,5w 1
622GMTomashevsky Evgeny2725RUS12,5s 0
710GMGrischuk Alexander2801RUS12,5w 0
846GMInarkiev Ernesto2657RUS10,5s 0
9106GMTaleb Moussa2295UAE8w 1
1024GMEfimenko Zahar2714UKR10,5s ½
1133GMSavchenko Boris2684RUS11w 0
12108FMBreckenridge Steven James2279USA9,5s 1
1342GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2663GEO9,5w 1
142GMKarjakin Sergey2866RUS10,5s ½
1585GMAl-Modiahki Mohamad2559QAT11w 0
1660GMPotkin Vladimir2629RUS10,5s 0
1787GMKovalev Vladislav2548BLR10w 0
1895IMVakhidov Jahongir2477UZB9s 1
1984GMBartel Mateusz2562POL9w 1
2045GMGuseinov Gadir2657AZE10,5s 0
2179GMFier Alexandr2581BRA9w 1