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FIDE World Rapid Championship 2014 Dubai - UAE 16-18 June 2014

Last update 18.06.2014 20:00:11, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Player overview for VIE

18GMLe Quang Liem2724VIE½1½11½01½0101109192750
49GMNguyen Ngoc Truong Son2660VIE1½½½½11½½½01½½½9152764

Results of the last round for VIE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMLe Quang Liem27249 0 - 1 GMCaruana Fabiano2840
GMNguyen Ngoc Truong Son2660 ½ - ½ GMGuseinov Gadir2671

Player details for VIE

GM Le Quang Liem 2724 VIE Rp:2750 Pts. 9
174GMIpatov Alexander2596TUR6w ½
286GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan2542IRI7s 1
343GMVan Wely Loek2674NED8w ½
445GMYu Yangyi2668CHN9,5s 1
553GMBologan Viktor2656MDA7w 1
636GMFressinet Laurent2681FRA8,5s ½
711GMNepomniachtchi Ian2768RUS8,5w 0
837GMInarkiev Ernesto2681RUS7,5s 1
949GMNguyen Ngoc Truong Son2660VIE9w ½
1031GMTomashevsky Evgeny2693RUS10w 0
1144GMGuseinov Gadir2671AZE9s 1
1232GMBacrot Etienne2692FRA10w 0
1350GMLenic Luka2659SLO7s 1
1433GMJobava Baadur2688GEO9w 1
152GMCaruana Fabiano2840ITA10,5w 0
GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son 2660 VIE Rp:2764 Pts. 9
1105FMBreckenridge Steven James2310USA5,5s 1
220GMWang Hao2716CHN9w ½
322GMDreev Aleksey2709RUS8s ½
46GMSvidler Peter2787RUS10w ½
512GMMalakhov Vladimir2766RUS7,5s ½
624GMVitiugov Nikita2708RUS8,5w 1
726GMRagger Markus2701AUT8s 1
89GMAnand Viswanathan2770IND10,5w ½
918GMLe Quang Liem2724VIE9s ½
1028GMMovsesian Sergei2696ARM9w ½
1131GMTomashevsky Evgeny2693RUS10s 0
1221GMWojtaszek Radoslaw2710POL7,5w 1
1325GMMamedov Rauf2705AZE9,5s ½
1423GMVallejo Pons Francisco2709ESP8,5w ½
1544GMGuseinov Gadir2671AZE9w ½