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FIDE World Rapid Championship 2014 Dubai - UAE 16-18 June 2014

Last update 18.06.2014 20:00:11, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Player overview for NOR

4GMCarlsen Magnus2827NOR1½1½1½½111½011½1112899

Results of the last round for NOR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMRadjabov Teimour2750 ½ - ½10½ GMCarlsen Magnus2827

Player details for NOR

GM Carlsen Magnus 2827 NOR Rp:2899 Pts. 11
160GMGeorgiev Kiril2642BUL6w 1
244GMGuseinov Gadir2671AZE9s ½
335GMPotkin Vladimir2682RUS8w 1
431GMTomashevsky Evgeny2693RUS10s ½
537GMInarkiev Ernesto2681RUS7,5w 1
68GMKarjakin Sergey2781RUS10s ½
736GMFressinet Laurent2681FRA8,5w ½
829GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2694UKR8s 1
928GMMovsesian Sergei2696ARM9w 1
102GMCaruana Fabiano2840ITA10,5w 1
117GMAronian Levon2785ARM10,5s ½
129GMAnand Viswanathan2770IND10,5w 0
1345GMYu Yangyi2668CHN9,5s 1
143GMGrischuk Alexander2828RUS10w 1
1513GMRadjabov Teimour2750AZE10s ½