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FIDE World Rapid Championship 2014 Dubai - UAE 16-18 June 2014

Last update 18.06.2014 20:00:11, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Player overview for NED

43GMVan Wely Loek2674NED1½½1½10½½½01½½08402713
58GMSokolov Ivan2650NED011½½½001000½106912514

Results of the last round for NED

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMJobava Baadur26888 1 - 08 GMVan Wely Loek2674
GMDebashis Das24846 1 - 06 GMSokolov Ivan2650

Player details for NED

GM Van Wely Loek 2674 NED Rp:2713 Pts. 8
199GMTaleb Moussa2406UAE5s 1
22GMCaruana Fabiano2840ITA10,5w ½
318GMLe Quang Liem2724VIE9s ½
491GMAl-Sayed Mohammed2494QAT5,5w 1
526GMRagger Markus2701AUT8s ½
66GMSvidler Peter2787RUS10w 1
71GMNakamura Hikaru2841USA8,5s 0
822GMDreev Aleksey2709RUS8w ½
914GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime2749FRA8s ½
1024GMVitiugov Nikita2708RUS8,5w ½
1132GMBacrot Etienne2692FRA10s 0
1275GMBartel Mateusz2593POL8,5w 1
1317GMHarikrishna P.2726IND7,5s ½
1416GMCheparinov Ivan2727BUL8,5w ½
1533GMJobava Baadur2688GEO9s 0
GM Sokolov Ivan 2650 NED Rp:2514 Pts. 6
12GMCaruana Fabiano2840ITA10,5s 0
293GMKayumov Sergey2486UZB6,5w 1
3110FMSaeed Ishaq2246UAE5s 1
422GMDreev Aleksey2709RUS8w ½
517GMHarikrishna P.2726IND7,5w ½
623GMVallejo Pons Francisco2709ESP8,5s ½
732GMBacrot Etienne2692FRA10w 0
870GMDubov Daniil2624RUS8s 0
972GMFier Alexandr2597BRA6,5w 1
1076GMSalem A.R. Saleh2592UAE6s 0
1110GMKorobov Anton2770UKR6,5w 0
1291GMAl-Sayed Mohammed2494QAT5,5s 0
1397IMTissir Mohamed2419MAR6s ½
1499GMTaleb Moussa2406UAE5w 1
1594GMDebashis Das2484IND7s 0