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FIDE World Rapid Championship 2014 Dubai - UAE 16-18 June 2014

Last update 18.06.2014 20:00:11, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Player overview for ESP

23GMVallejo Pons Francisco2709ESP110½½½01½1101½08,5332704
65GMSalgado Lopez Ivan2630ESP½½½010½1½10½11½8,5272736
71GMAnton Guijarro David2600ESP1½010½½0½1001107692613

Results of the last round for ESP

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMVallejo Pons Francisco2709 0 - 19 GMBacrot Etienne2692
GMCheparinov Ivan27278 ½ - ½8 GMSalgado Lopez Ivan2630
GMAnton Guijarro David26007 0 - 17 GMNajer Evgeniy2657

Player details for ESP

GM Vallejo Pons Francisco 2709 ESP Rp:2704 Pts. 8,5
179GMHansen Eric2584CAN7,5s 1
254GMFedoseev Vladimir2656RUS8,5w 1
338GMLaznicka Viktor2679CZE7s 0
460GMGeorgiev Kiril2642BUL6w ½
559GMMatlakov Maxim2649RUS8,5s ½
658GMSokolov Ivan2650NED6w ½
757GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2652VEN9s 0
871GMAnton Guijarro David2600ESP7w 1
948GMSafarli Eltaj2662AZE7s ½
1050GMLenic Luka2659SLO7w 1
1168GMYudin Sergei2626RUS8,5s 1
123GMGrischuk Alexander2828RUS10w 0
1380GMAntipov Mikhail Al.2576RUS9w 1
1449GMNguyen Ngoc Truong Son2660VIE9s ½
1532GMBacrot Etienne2692FRA10w 0
GM Salgado Lopez Ivan 2630 ESP Rp:2736 Pts. 8,5
19GMAnand Viswanathan2770IND10,5w ½
23GMGrischuk Alexander2828RUS10s ½
37GMAronian Levon2785ARM10,5w ½
413GMRadjabov Teimour2750AZE10s 0
588GMGundavaa Bayarsaikhan2534MGL6,5w 1
639GMZhigalko Sergei2679BLR8,5s 0
792GMVahidov Tair2487UZB7w ½
890GMMichalik Peter2501SVK6,5s 1
919GMEljanov Pavel2716UKR9w ½
1037GMInarkiev Ernesto2681RUS7,5s 1
1141GMMeier Georg2677GER8,5w 0
1210GMKorobov Anton2770UKR6,5s ½
1338GMLaznicka Viktor2679CZE7s 1
1421GMWojtaszek Radoslaw2710POL7,5w 1
1516GMCheparinov Ivan2727BUL8,5s ½
GM Anton Guijarro David 2600 ESP Rp:2613 Pts. 7
115GMMorozevich Alexander2732RUS10,5w 1
241GMMeier Georg2677GER8,5s ½
327GMMoiseenko Alexander2699UKR8,5w 0
439GMZhigalko Sergei2679BLR8,5s 1
532GMBacrot Etienne2692FRA10w 0
645GMYu Yangyi2668CHN9,5s ½
747GMMilov Vadim2664SUI8w ½
823GMVallejo Pons Francisco2709ESP8,5s 0
9102IMVakhidov Jahongir2368UZB6,5w ½
1086GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan2542IRI7s 1
1119GMEljanov Pavel2716UKR9w 0
1296GMShyam Sundar M.2447IND7s 0
1393GMKayumov Sergey2486UZB6,5w 1
1410GMKorobov Anton2770UKR6,5s 1
1552GMNajer Evgeniy2657RUS8w 0