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FIDE World Rapid Championship 2014 Dubai - UAE 16-18 June 2014

Last update 18.06.2014 20:00:11, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Player overview for EGY

64GMAdly Ahmed2634EGY0101½½1½1½000118452666
69GMAmin Bassem2624EGY1½½00110½01½1007652653

Results of the last round for EGY

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMAmin Bassem26247 0 - 17 GMPotkin Vladimir2682
GMLaznicka Viktor26797 0 - 17 GMAdly Ahmed2634

Player details for EGY

GM Adly Ahmed 2634 EGY Rp:2666 Pts. 8
18GMKarjakin Sergey2781RUS10s 0
2101Hilwani Talal2395SYR5w 1
36GMSvidler Peter2787RUS10s 0
493GMKayumov Sergey2486UZB6,5w 1
519GMEljanov Pavel2716UKR9s ½
646GMSargissian Gabriel2665ARM8w ½
791GMAl-Sayed Mohammed2494QAT5,5s 1
842GMOnischuk Vladimir2675UKR7,5w ½
926GMRagger Markus2701AUT8s 1
1014GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime2749FRA8w ½
1122GMDreev Aleksey2709RUS8s 0
1244GMGuseinov Gadir2671AZE9w 0
1335GMPotkin Vladimir2682RUS8s 0
1494GMDebashis Das2484IND7w 1
1538GMLaznicka Viktor2679CZE7s 1
GM Amin Bassem 2624 EGY Rp:2653 Pts. 7
113GMRadjabov Teimour2750AZE10w 1
237GMInarkiev Ernesto2681RUS7,5s ½
321GMWojtaszek Radoslaw2710POL7,5w ½
428GMMovsesian Sergei2696ARM9w 0
520GMWang Hao2716CHN9s 0
6100IMAl Qudaimi Basheer2397YEM6s 1
727GMMoiseenko Alexander2699UKR8,5w 1
841GMMeier Georg2677GER8,5s 0
925GMMamedov Rauf2705AZE9,5w ½
1047GMMilov Vadim2664SUI8s 0
1151GMMaletin Pavel2658RUS7w 1
1226GMRagger Markus2701AUT8w ½
1342GMOnischuk Vladimir2675UKR7,5s 1
1429GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2694UKR8s 0
1535GMPotkin Vladimir2682RUS8w 0