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Baltic Amateurs Class Championship 2014, Class "A" (ELO 1800-2000)

Last update 12.07.2014 14:39:36, Creator/Last Upload: Kudzma Laimonas (LTU)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1VALANTIEJUS Vaidotas1987LTU 13b1 12w1 3b½ 5w1 6w1 2b½ 4b162426,55
2MILASEVICIUS Jonas1916LTU 4b½ 11w1 7b½ 9b½ 3w1 1w½ 5b1526293
3CEPONIS Tadas1989LTU 14w1 9b1 1w½ 6b½ 2b0 4w½ 7b14,526293
4VELIONISKIS Robertas1982LTU 2w½ 8b1 5w½ 7b½ 9w1 3b½ 1w0427,5312
5VAITKEVICIUS Paulius1879LTU 11w1 10w1 4b½ 1b0 7w½ 8b1 2w0426293
6VOROBLIEVAS Arturas1853LTU -1 7w½ 10b1 3w½ 1b0 9b0 14w1424272
7VAITONIS Vytautas1954LTU 17w1 6b½ 2w½ 4w½ 5b½ 15b1 3w0423,525,52
8STASIUS Vidmantas1968LTU 12b0 4w0 13b1 10w1 16b1 5w0 9w1420224
9JAKAITYTE Ruta1944LTU 15b1 3w0 12b1 2w½ 4b0 6w1 8b03,52426,53
10BALTRUNAS Arvydas1961LTU 16w1 5b0 6w0 8b0 14w½ -1 15w13,519212
11MULEVICIUS Andrius1956LTU 5b0 2b0 16w1 13w½ 17b½ 12w½ -13,519211
12ZAVANELLI Max1893USA 8w1 1b0 9w0 14b1 15w0 11b½ 13w½32224,52
13NOVIKOVAS Anatolijus1940LTU 1w0 16b½ 8w0 11b½ -1 17w½ 12b½320220
14MECELIS Arturas1942LTU 3b0 15w1 17b½ 12w0 10b½ 16w1 6b0318,520,52
15JANULYNAS Jonas1829LTU 9w0 14b0 -1 17w1 12b1 7w0 10b0318,520,52
16KUVSINOV Anatolij1883LTU 10b0 13w½ 11b0 -1 8w0 14b0 17b12,517,519,51
17KVILIUNAS Vladislovas1874LTU 7b0 -1 14w½ 15b0 11w½ 13b½ 16w02,517,519,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: The greater number Of victories