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National Championship Final 2014

Darrera actualització26.06.2014 15:47:40, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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Rànquing inicial

1GMSmirin IliaISR2660
2GMPostny EvgenyISR2641
3GMRoiz MichaelISR2589
4GMHuzman AlexanderISR2573
5GMGolod VitaliISR2559
6GMMikhalevski VictorISR2519
7GMBaron TalISR2515
8GMZoler DanISR2503
9IMGivon AsafISR2459
10IMNakar EylonISR2442
11GMKantsler BorisISR2420
12FMKantarji PinchasISR2417
13IMSteinberg NitzanISR2416
14FMBen Artzi IdoISR2359
15GMTseitlin Mark DISR2349
16IMBirnboim NathanISR2333
17Gurbanov AndreiBLR2329
18FMRinberg AlexanderISR2321
19FMArlinsky UrielISR2314
20FMMordechai HananISR2314
21FMAxelrod ArieISR2305
22Lederer YoavISR2298
23FMIliaguev KafarISR2268
24Reshef OmerISR2266
25FMZanan EvgenyISR2257
26Bakalchuk JohnatanISR2244
27Volman HoracioISR2203
28Frenkel RanISR2174
29Gamayev OlegISR2166
30Horesh TalISR2139
31Poleg MatanISR2125
32Kraus YairISR2093