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Final Nacional Sub-14 Abs 2014

Last update 02.06.2014 19:57:34, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Salcedo Pablo EstebanANT1963Club Paul Keres
2Quinonez Garcia SantiagoVAL1951
3Amado Jhon EstebanVAL1920
4CMAcosta Cubides Jorian JaredMET1913Rey Dama Club
5Munoz Juan DavidVAL1853
6Torres Cueto Jesus MarcialBOL1847Soy Talento
7Cardona Juan RicardoANT1843Club Carlos Cuartas
8Pena Bermudez Juan CamiloBOL1842Talentos
9Leon GustavoBOG1832
10Ribero Guillermo AndresBOG1829Club Gestion Deportiva
11Gomez Perez Jaidor S.MET1755Club Rey Dama
12Soto Hincapie EmmanuelANT1744Club Paul Keres
13Silva Suna Juan EstebanBOY1708
14Calderon Zuta NicolasHUI1631
15Valenzuela Juan CamiloCAQ1573
16Rengifo Jaramillo DavidCAL1753Club Deportivo Redentoristas
17Ramirez Cristian CamiloCAL1667
18Gomez Juan PabloVAL1392
19Caro Estrada Jean PoolANT0