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IRT Zonal Sub 16 Abs Zona Integrada Centro 2014

Last update 18.05.2014 18:21:00, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Diaz Herrera Leider Andres4408080BOY1920Deiserov
2Cadavid Juan Miguel4418930RIS1909Gm Alder Escobar
3Barbon Carlos Felipe4417011CUN1769Torre de los Almeida
4Sosa Florez Luis Felipe4423720CUN1750Club Virtual Chess
5Walteros Juan Diego4440579RIS1743Club Carnevale
6Florez Castro Estiven4434510QUI1716Pensamiento Del Futuro
7Figueroa Salcedo Reinaldo Ar4428285CAL1706
8Molina Agudelo Juan Manuel4439902CAL1707Club Deportivo Redentoristas
9Pena Martha Dimas Jocias4439090CAS1586
10Blasco Camacho Francesco4439813CAL1570Club Redentoristas
11Rodriguez Miguel Angel4446810QUI1548
12Alvarado Martinez Andrey Cami4452151CUN1527Ajedrez Talento Cota
13Piamonte Cristian Eduardo4433084BOY1508COLBOY
14Mejia Perez Javier Camilo4448626CUN1366Ajedrez Talento Cota
15Ramirez Vega German Leonardo4446879CAS0
16Uran Sierra Juan Esteban4452461QUI0