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IRT Zonal Sub 10 Abs Zona Integrada Centro 2014

Darrera actualització18.05.2014 17:31:03, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1Rojas Castillo Leibntz Ediso4430611BOY1898Duitama
2Mantilla Ortiz Juan David4433769SAN1367
3Rodriguez Celis Samuel Nicola4430603CUN1514Torres del Zipa
4Lopez Ramirez David Santiago4439333CUN1502Torres del Zipa
5Puerta Rendon Josue4444922RIS1490
6Rodriguez Valencia Sebastian4438213RIS1457Gm Alder Escobar
7Mejia Perez Jose Manuel4452003CUN1304Ajedrez Talento Cota
8Marulanda Leon Juan David4430565CUN1301Club Guecha Ata Quota
9Pineda Calderon Jacobo4449398CAL1301Seminario Redentorista
10Patino Daza Juan Manuel4452240MET1287Torre 64
11Echeverry Pedro Alejandro4452364QUI1270
12Arenas Arce Juan David4452224MET0Torre 64
13Hernandez Jeronimo4452372CUN0Virtual Chess
14Igarrero Juan David4452380CUN0Virtual Chess
15Motta Delgado Mauricio4452232MET0Torre 64
16Pinto Juan Manuel4452011BOY0San Pedro Claver
17Rios Ardila Luis Fernando4452399CAL0
18Rojas Ruiz Andres Esteban4452402CAL0