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Knights Open 2014

Last update 19.06.2014 02:48:18, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad & Tobago Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1FMMerritt MarioTTO2075
2CMJohnson JoshuaTTO2062
3Wiltshire EsanTTO2033
4Ramos Caldera CesarVEN2015
5Gill JosephTTO1994
6Lee CecilTTO1942
7Sears FrankTTO1935
8Knight ColinTTO1915
9Bowles AndrewTTO1887
10Duncan LeonardTTO1885
11James KeevinTTO1878
12Lee HaydenTTO1877
13Noel RoderickTTO1846
14Davis DarylTTO1814
15Bartholomew KenaTTO1813
16Flower TrevorTTO1750
17Austin MarlonTTO1735
18WCMSmith JavannaTTO1714
19Archer CarlTTO1680
20Fitzpatrick KennethTTO1658
21Soverall PeterTTO1657
22Singh CarlyleTTO1634
23Johnson GabriellaTTO1630
24Martin MikelTTO1624
25Yearwood ShannonTTO1592
26Jacobs CarlTTO1569
27CMYearwood SeanTTO0
28Adeniji AdebayoNGR0
29Callender NoelTTO0
30Creese JosauTTO0
31Drayton DoffTTO0
32Iligan RodelioTTO0
33Inkim MatthewTTO0
34James QuincyTTO0
35Johnson ChayaTTO0
36Laquis JosephTTO0
37Leemoon BrianTTO0
38Maynard DavidTTO0
39Rambally EonTTO0
40Ramon-Fortune ArnoldTTO0
41Reid ShaunTTO0
42Seaforth SylvanTTO0
43Stalker IanTTO0
44Superville ArthurTTO0
45Smith ZurichTTO1380
46Wiltshire LouisTTO1602
47FMHarper RyanTTO2266
48Agostini KyronTTO0
49Cupid KevinTTO2073
50Giles SeanTTO0
51Akingbala AdedotunTTO0
52Francois MiguelTTO1719
53Martin AthenaTTO0
54Solomon IanTTO1700
55Allum ZacharyTTO0