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IRT Zonal Sub 16 Abs zona integrada NORTE 2014. Ajedrez Clásico

Last update 10.05.2014 23:36:57, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Torres Cueto Jesus MarcialBOL1847Soy Talento
2Pena Bermudez Juan CamiloBOL1842Talentos
3Ricciulli Vargas Roberth ElieGUA1834Gambito
4Gomez Guardo CristianBOL1812Talentos
5Mercado Pena Jorge EstebanATL1677
6De La Asuncion Ortiz Angel MaATL1609
7Fontalvo Nukier NayidATL1550Cuc
8Morales Ortiz Juan DanielBOL1333
9Ballestero Lora RuberCOR0
10Mejia Aguilar AngeloGUA0