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Torneo Mayor 2014

Last update 11.05.2014 19:00:11, Creator/Last Upload: cataman1962

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Starting rank list

1FMVazquez GuillermoPAR2343
2FMLatorre ManuelPAR2314
3FMLatorre MatiasPAR2276
4IMValiente CristobalPAR2238
5Almiron AntonioPAR2238
6IMKropff RicardoPAR2204
7FMZacarias M Ruben DPAR2196
8WFMVargas GabrielaPAR2118
9Curatola ClementePAR2079
10Goiriz Y DamianPAR2064
11Butti EnriquePAR2062
12Medina de Baets Vicente JoseESP1950
13Heinechen JohnPAR1946
14Alarcon JosePAR1915
15Uribe GabrielPAR1897
16Britez G Jorge APAR1888
17Lipiniks LeonardoPAR1825
18Cubilla Rodrigo AntonioPAR1755
19Aguero Centurio Abel AlejandrPAR1723
20Florentin DamasoPAR1693
21Benitez Jose RodolfoPAR1677
22Avalos MathiasPAR1629
23Cristaldo UlisesPAR1465
24Bento RobertPAR0
25WCMAvalos LeticiaPAR1676