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2nd 2014 National Qualifier

Last update 09.05.2014 04:03:22, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad & Tobago Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1Lee CecilTTO1950
2Sears FrankTTO1941
3Knight ColinTTO1915
4Jones DavidTTO1913
5Duncan LeonardTTO1908
6Bowles AndrewTTO1892
7Lee HaydenTTO1848
8Davis DarylTTO1792
9Bhola DanielTTO1731
10Mentor HermesTTO1726
11Fitzpatrick KennethTTO1658
12Singh CarlyleTTO1634
13Martin MikelTTO1620
14Yearwood ShannonTTO1580
15Jacobs CarlTTO1569
16Smith ZurichTTO1378
17Leemoon BrianTTO0
18Ramlogan RishonTTO0
19Yearwood SeanTTO0