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2nd Gideon Japhet Memorial Open A

Last update 26.07.2014 11:31:24, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 63)

Player overview for FRA

5IMBattaglini Gabriel24302415FRA1½11011½065101,20Open A

Results of the last round for FRA

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
914IMKaspi Alexander24386 1 - 06 IMBattaglini Gabriel24305

Player details for FRA

IM Battaglini Gabriel 2430 FRA Rp:2433 Pts. 6
132Klar Nir20642166ISR2,5w 1101,00
218Gukhvat Peter22552293ISR5s ½10-2,30
316Bakalchuk Johnatan22732335ISR6w 1102,90
414Mindlin Alon22802345ISR5w 1103,00
515Reshef Omer22752362ISR6,5s 010-7,10
610Gindi Shachar23192369ISR6s 1103,50
713Zanan Evgeny22832334ISR5w 1103,00
81GMHuzman Alexander25892603ISR6w ½102,10
94IMKaspi Alexander24382445ISR7s 010-4,90