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III IRT Academia Potiguar de Xadrez

Last update 21.04.2014 20:54:33, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

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Starting rank list

1Silveira Filho Neri Da Silva85782106493BRA22432164
2FMAndrade Roberto Luiz Costa10512101521BRA21992152
3FMPinto Carlos Henrique Lopes10522101378BRA20792008
4FMMacedo Maximo Valerio10532102307BRA20662025
5Pinto Rafael Henrique87432106531BRA20381924
6Azevedo Alcides Alexandre A.87472106515BRA20292014
7Xavier Lucca Lucas304372124661BRA20222065
8Rocha Vitor Firmo De Souza281802102951BRA20142057
9Pinheiro Davi Sales287882125153BRA19761954
10Jordao Barbosa Marcio272452116219BRA19582070
11Lima Alan Silva De267892116197BRA19182008
12Gomes Jose Murilo404802159767BRA18831928
13Oliveira Jr Antonio Fernandes260852115581BRA18481863
14Macedo Alexandre Soares De22182103451BRA18462006
15Gomes Da Silva Tales345072127903BRA18331900
16Frankental David399992175061BRA17991847
17De Araujo Antonio Jose383162146223BRA17001710
18Macedo Luiz Soares De29232104164BRA16601609
19Dantas Isaac Pereira366952137470BRA16061761
20Queiroz Matheus Erick Silva382272146240BRA01809
21De Moura Matheus Valenca Mattos41682BRA01788