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2014 LTU ch final

Last update 01.05.2014 15:30:07, Creator/Last Upload: IO Baltrunas Arvydas (LTU) 

Starting rank list of players

1GMKveinys AloyzasLTU2543
9GMSulskis SarunasLTU2533
4IMPileckis EmilisLTU2461
2GMMalisauskas VidmantasLTU2436
3IMLaurusas TomasLTU2418
10IMBeinoras MindaugasLTU2404
8FMVedrickas TautvydasLTU2330
7Stremavicius TitasLTU2284
5FMKalvaitis SigitasLTU2263
6Setkauskas VaidasLTU2208