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II Serious Chess Tornament

Last update 05.05.2014 00:57:45, Creator/Last Upload: Federação Amazonense de Xadrez

Starting rank list of players

9FMReis Renan do CarmoBRA2242
10NMSouza Neves Andrey M.BRA2160
8CMDe Oliveira Victor Gabriel C.BRA2045
1Barbosa Celio OliveiraBRA2038
5CMDa Paz Leonardo GadelhaBRA2005
4CMGutierrez Enrique Alberto SotoBRA1861
2Farias Igor Borge CardosoBRA1682
6Presa Luis Alberto PassosBRA1670
3Farias Sergio Luiz CardosoBRA1585
7Rodolpho Filho JoaoBRA1516